AEGIS Business Brokers - Memberships
ABBA American Business Brokers Assoc
IBBA International Business Brokers Assoc

Accredited Business Intermediaries

Accredited Business Intermediary by ABBA

You hear or think about the term Business Broker when you are thinking about buying or selling a business. We actually function as business intermediaries in most transactions where we have listed the business for sale.

We are certified as Accredited Business Intermediary (ABI) and Senior Valuation Analyst (SVA) by the ABBA and our managing broker is a candidate for the Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) rating from the IBBA.. IBBA is the largest association for business brokers and this is their highest certification for business intermediaries.

The ABI & SVA designations are awarded after meeting experience and educational requirements which are verified through documentation and testing. It also includes pledging to a code of ethics that insures that our fiduciary responsibility is to the transaction and that the Seller and Buyer will be treated fairly and equally.

Business Intermediaries function as facilitators of Ownership transitions and represent the transaction. Though they are often compensated by the Seller, they do not represent the Seller or the Buyer individually but equally and fairly.

AEGIS Business Brokers, LLC is the highest rated Business Broker-Intermediary in Northwest Arkansas.


Arkansas - Kansas - Missouri - Oklahoma